About Me

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Seoul, South Korea
A novice writer trying to re-assemble the words and think whether it changes their meaning.....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Road ahead is never straight but we think it is...
there are always some turns
sometimes the road just bends downwards and things become easier
sometimes the road curves upwards and things become difficult

when the road splits into two...
those are the most difficult points..

The split is never between right and wrong is what I believe
its just the choice which determines the forthcoming twists and turns

We always get chances to amend and anticipate the coming bend....
one who seizes the opportunity emerges victorious
captures his moments and the sun of his life is always glorious...

There is no light on this road and its always dark ahead
Each of us is blessed with a ray of hope and belief
but not everyone is able to light it to the fullest...

Sometimes I think, Is there any end to this road or it just goes on
but then the question pops up, if there is an end then what would be the dawn

A new road waiting for me or is it the end of the journey of life
If its the end, then what's the difference as everyone is bound to reach the end?
I try to justify this with something I believe
Its always the struggle and the quest that matters

what you get or achieve is something you always knew
but people who enjoy the journey are very few

Are you among those ones.....???????


Saru Singhal said...

Yes, I am among those who enjoy the journey. It has all the shades but each gives you a different perspective!

Nicely portrayed. Finally you are walking constantly on the journey called blogging;)

DJ said...

@Saru : Nice to know that you are like me ... among the ones who enjoy the journey more than the end result...

Thanks for your nice comments and motivation...

I am back on track again.... :)