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Seoul, South Korea
A novice writer trying to re-assemble the words and think whether it changes their meaning.....

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Endless Mind

It’s all in the mind…. heard this phrase recently in a movie…!

Sounds very interesting and questions the very natural fact.

Is it all in the mind that we all need to unwind….

There are always some decisions, which we take on the spur of a moment

Most of the times those are the best ones

So do they come from our heart or is it always the mind…!

Some people say that thinking and planning too much about anything is bad

It always kills the fun and makes your life lag behind…!

Why do we think so much and why do we plan….

Planning makes sense sometimes but not for personal things

Plan and implement at work, but when you off leave the planning behind..!

We plan to avoid the hick-ups & loss of time….

But that’s the fun when taking a break, when you don’t know what’s next…

There is no fun when your mind always knows the context…….

How deep is one’s mind, is it mechanical, when it comes to emotions does it turn blind….?

We control our mind or is it the vice-versa, is there a role for the heart?

Or is it just like any other body part…….

There are stories about the mind, specially the sub-conscious part…

Experts say not everybody can use the sub-conscious part, it’s an art….

Which very few can do and there is huge power to be unlocked…

An immense source which can ease your life, but it’s blocked….!!

Will it really ease your life or complicate things more….

Is really a myth and there is much more….

Human mind can do wonders is what everybody says…

Saying doesn’t help, we need to know the ways….

I always think of doing something great

But nothing of that sort has ever come to my plate…. L

I believe I need to search within myself……

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