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Seoul, South Korea
A novice writer trying to re-assemble the words and think whether it changes their meaning.....

Friday, May 29, 2009

An impossible situation

what to do where to go...!!!
y life is running so slow..
what do I need to become happy
all this sounds so crappy...
becuase no one can be happy,
desires are unending...
and that keeps them always pending..

head or tail.. success or fail
or can the coin stand
because that will be perfectly grand..!!

but the question is how long wil it strive
because that will keep me alive..

no chance of success and no fear of failure
the situation is pretty secure

can this happen... Is there a possibility.
Or should I believe in its inevitability.. :(

It feels good to think of such a situation
because that will be a perfect creation

one of its kind
but is anybody going to achieve
now that is pretty hard to believe...

belief is one thing that you cannot pretend
it comes right from your heart
and generally remains the same from the start

to change your beliefs you need to get evidence
is all this crap or am I making some sense

if yes, then be ready to expect the unexpected.

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