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Seoul, South Korea
A novice writer trying to re-assemble the words and think whether it changes their meaning.....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fly Free

I want to write something but I am short of words...
thoughts are all over my head while I am looking at the birds...

flying is their nature and its not fascinating to them...
but for me... its something extraordinary....

I sometimes dream that I am flying in the sky...
watching the cars, buildings and people pass by...
dazed and amazed to see me in the sky...!

This gives me a feeling of freeness...
which I always caress.........

Then I pause and think, this is not real..!
and the dream ends bringing me back to my own self.

But, there is a lesson which I have to learn...
which will help me to know how to govern....

The root of liking flying is the freedom which I enjoy...
but if I think deeply, I had the same feeling when I was a small boy...
That was the freedom of my mind, my thoughts and my deeds...
but as we grow up we are cast into a system of creeds..
destroying the real us inside, which was innocent, naive and free to glide...

Our thoughts are channeled by things which are not the most important
but they become the King and the moments of life become the ruled...
this is the way of life and everybody gets fooled...

Some of my thougts may sound like a rebel...
but its not that way... there are good ways to propel..

We cannot free ourself from the system and society....
and thats not needed to meet the almighty...

Balance is the right word.. get it right...!!
you will know when you have boarded the right flight...

Everything is important, just find the right ones for you...
life has millions of things and moments to offer....
some might be good, and in some you have to suffer...

Choose the ones that you believe are worth grabbing...
forget the ones which you didn't choose...
that will be the best way to let loose....

I wish I can do that and bring back the real me....
and then look at the birds without an envy me.....


Saru Singhal said...

Profound, we all want to free ourselves or atleast know the life in simpler terms...

Powerful writing...:)

Kapil Sharma said...

Wonderfully oenned, with strong emotions and perfect words

DJ said...

@Saru : thanks Saru...
I just wanted to convey that being free does not necessarily mean being a rebel and give up everything..... its an art... a way of living...

@Nuktaa : thanks for the compliments... I am glad you liked it....!

Sakshi said...

super awesome.. you are always brilliant :)