About Me

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Seoul, South Korea
A novice writer trying to re-assemble the words and think whether it changes their meaning.....

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Inner Self

I live in a world of desires and unending fires....
Is it my fate or I can actually cut through these wires.....?

There is something inside me which makes me feel the feelings...
I do both the work.... the burns and the healings

Sometimes the door of my world opens up
Those delicate moments make me vulnerable...
I tend to be alone as the situation is unstable

It makes me think sometimes
Is that world also round ?
Does it also has a sky and a ground ?

Because some day I would love to stretch my arms and fly
Then I wonder who will save me from the eagles and lightnings
Am I a freak, or am I just too weak....

But then, who should I let into this world of mine
Do I get only one chance or is there scope for mistakes ?
Is it possible to keep eating the wrong cakes ?

When is eventually a destruction of this world destined?
Would that create a new me.. or would be a just a new picture pinned ?

Does the real self changes ever?
or is it just too clever !!
to fool us and create illusions
and nothing changes with the new fusions....